听雨 发表于 2022-7-13 17:00:35

Rhino 7.20 SR20 简体中文破解版下载|附视频安装教程-2022年7月版

本帖最后由 听雨 于 2022-7-14 10:24 编辑

Rhino 7 Service Release 20 for Windows 和 Mac (7.20.22193) 现已发布了,此版本与上个版本相比,修复了大量的Bug,分别增强和增加了了一项功能,请大家及时更新!

一、Rhino 7.20 SR20 更新的内容

Bugs 修复:

DimArea: Reported a negative value in a specific case (RH-68956)
ExtractSubCrv: Reported too many messages in command-line history (RH-68919)
Gumball: Extrude handles did not show for sub-objects until Reflect was updated or removed (RH-68603)
GumballAlignment: Default did not update (RH-68735)
Lights: Dragging intensity spinner and releasing left mouse button on color box incorrectly popped up select color dialog (RH-68625)
Match: Curvature continuity changed wrong end of curve (RH-68826)
NamedSelections: Adding selection sets did not trigger saving file prompt if no other changes were made in the model (RH-68727)
Picture: Displayed the old bitmap even after deleted (RH-68637)
Rendering: Cycles Viewport: Skylight did not properly turn off (RH-69072)
Scale1D: Scaling block insertion points incorrectly scaled block geometries (RH-64983)
Surface-surface intersection: Overlapping detection was much slower in V7 (RH-68720)
ToNURBS: Failed when SubD faces exceeded 30k (RH-62025)
Undo: Only one Undo was possible if Max undo memory was set to 4096 MB (RH-47940)


Layout: Right-clicking a field in the Layouts panel caused a crash (RH-68840)

TextField: CurveLength, Area, and Volume pay attention to annotation linear resolution instead of model unit display precision (RH-68638)

Regressions 修复:

SDK: RhinoCommon: Intersections.CurveLine sometimes returned null (RH-69329)

SDK 增强

SDK: RhinoCommon:
Added IRhRdkContents::SelectContent() (RH-68627)
Exposed ON_Geometry::DataCRC (RH-68961)
Exposed CRhinoEventWatcher::OnUnitsChangedWithScaling (RH-68860)
Tasks Completed:

RPC: Plug-in is removed from Rhino installer (available for download from Package Manager) (RH-69251 2)


Bugs 修复:

Block: Editing block definition properties did not flag file being modified (RH-68825)
Grasshopper: Status bar was missing (RH-68957)
Layer: Could not turn off multiple selected layers at once in Layout and Detail (RH-58612)
Windows-Only Changes

Annotation: Styles: Editing suffix of length units locked up (RH-68617)
LoadPlugin: Some plug-ins failed to initialize after installing the latest SRC (RH-69016)

二、Rhino 7.20 SR20 视频安装教程

Rhino 7.20 SR20 视频安装教程

三、Rhino 7.20 SR20下载地址


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小黄鸭 发表于 2022-7-14 11:10:11

:lol谢谢大佬分享 再次特别感谢

447949082 发表于 2022-7-14 12:34:23


YanNima 发表于 2022-7-14 15:38:11


hbxtcb 发表于 2022-7-14 15:45:10


飞翔之鱼 发表于 2022-7-14 16:15:15

谢谢大佬分享 再次特别感谢

ajhdnkalj 发表于 2022-7-14 16:20:51


corot 发表于 2022-7-14 18:08:18


songlele2007 发表于 2022-7-14 19:14:07

Rhino 7 Service Release 20 for Windows 和 Mac (7.20.22193) 现已发布了,此版本与上个版本相比,修复了大量的Bug,分别增强和增加了了一项功能,请大家及时更新!

顾文龙 发表于 2022-7-14 19:50:37

谢谢大佬分享 再次特别感谢:D
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查看完整版本: Rhino 7.20 SR20 简体中文破解版下载|附视频安装教程-2022年7月版