听雨 发表于 2022-9-30 16:27:13

VRay 6.00.01 6.00 6.10 6.20 for for Cinema 4D 2023 S26 R25 S24 R23 S22 R21 破解版下载|附安装教程

本帖最后由 听雨 于 2023-2-14 21:10 编辑

VRay® 6 for Cinema 4D 把行业领先的照片级渲染技术带给 Cinema 4D 艺术家和设计师。有了这些智能工具和强大的渲染能力,VRay 6 可以处理任何项目,快速且全能。

VRay 拥有完备的灯光,着色,以及荣获艾美奖和奥斯卡奖的渲染工具,让您的想法变为现实。



VRay 的GPU和CPU渲染能力为产品渲染加速。快速的交互式渲染,您将实时看到修改结果。

分布式渲染利用多台计算机的渲染能力,渲染高分辨率的图片。或把您的项目发送到 Chaos® Cloud 云渲染。

VRay 6 不仅是渲染器。内置的合成和灯光混合让您直接在 V-Ray Frame Buffer 完成后期处理,无需其他软件。

VRay 6 for Cinema 4D 安装教程

1. 运行 VRay 6 for Cinema 4D 安装程序

2. 出现安装选项时,License Server 不用安装

3. 将 cgauth.dll 复制到 C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 2023\plugins\V-Ray\res\libs\win64

4. 将 ray_BRDFScanned.dll 复制到 C:\Program Files\Maxon Cinema 4D 2023\plugins\V-Ray\res\libs\win64\plugins

通过上述操作,即可成功安装并且激活 VRay 6 for Cinema 4D

VRay 6 for Cinema 4D新功能

Support for ACEScg

Implement V-Ray Decal

Implement V-Ray Enmesh

Implement V-Ray Mesh Light

Procedural clouds for V-Ray Sun and Sky

Finite Dome and ground projection for the V-Ray Dome light

Add Thin Film layer to V-Ray Material

Implement V-Ray MultiSubTex for Node materials

Conversion from Standard and Classic V-Ray materials to V-Ray Node materials

Add V-Ray Shadow Catcher command in the V-Ray menu

Add TexParticleSampler shader

Implement V-Ray SoftBox node and shader

Add support for Cinema 4D Team Render

Support for rendering Particles and X-Particles in Cinema 4D

Implement Hair and Fur sampler for strand variations

Support for calculating Light Cache with the Interactive renderer

Calculate Light Cache on the GPU device for the V-Ray GPU engine

Support for Cinema 4D 2023

Add support for TexOCIO plugin

Implement Texture Baking

Toolbar for V-Ray for Cinema 4D

Add SamplerInfo shader and node

VRay 6 for Cinema 4D改进的功能

Support for the "Render Perfect" option for the Cinema 4D Sphere
Add option to respect displaced surfaces in TexTriPlanar
Add the affect alpha option to Volumetric objects

Rework the Object Properties icon to support displaying more than 9 ObjectID numbers

Automatically flip coordinate system handedness for vrscenes exported from a host app with different coordinate system

Replace min and max subdivs with samples limit for V-Ray GPU
Remove trace and GI depth from interactive tab
Intermediate render output should have final color corrections
Material preview quality improvements
Add support of include/exclude lists for reflection and refraction in object properties
Add ID input texture to MultiSubTex
Convert DropDown menus to QuickTab Buttons for some parameters
Ability to add the current selection as input objects when creating V-Ray Fur or V-Ray Enmesh
Ability to denoise the Alpha channel with the V-Ray Denoiser
Temporal denoise mode for NVidia AI Denoiser
Rename the "Use Mtl Id" to "Use Multimatte ID" checkboxes
Create scene importer for scanned materials

VRay 6 for Cinema 4D 修复的错误
Object leftovers between frames in animation

V-Ray clipper doesn't work for more than 1 frame in animation in mesh mode

Diffuse artifacts with anisotropic reflections and sheen or diffuse roughness

Reflections computed in fully diffuse VRayMtl materials

Issues with Anti-aliasing when using VRayCryptomatte mask on objects with multiple materials

Missing values in exported vrscenes

Imported Sphere and Rectangle Lights have wrong intensity

Cosmos browser asks for cookies on each process restart

Scanned material should be able to work with relative paths

Change the step size for the "Multiplier" and "Burn Value" in Color Mapping

Cinema 4D crashes in Interactive Rendering with Subdivision and Fur

Crash when V-Ray Fur is a hierarchy added to object

Darker Buckets appear on M1 Mac Machines with Adaptive lights

Crash when adding modifiers to geometry with Fur in Interactive

Identical meshes with different polygon selection names export the same geometry

Changing the V-Ray physical camera focus distance from the Cinema 4D focus picker doesn't work

Material link parameters can't be cleared in interactive rendering

Implicit focus distance may result in inverted camera render

VRay 6 for Cinema 4D 下载

VRay 6.00.04 for Cinema 4D 回贴后可下载
**** Hidden Message *****

zhanghuanle0921 发表于 2022-9-30 20:17:42

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YanNima 发表于 2022-10-1 16:06:46


dubang1996 发表于 2022-10-2 17:26:19

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胡琴情缘 发表于 2022-10-3 12:54:44

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whfwhoe 发表于 2022-10-4 08:45:50


aceobinga 发表于 2022-10-9 14:30:23


heybu80 发表于 2022-10-9 14:58:49


wls15613190273 发表于 2022-10-10 05:43:21


3132962043 发表于 2022-10-10 11:05:56

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查看完整版本: VRay 6.00.01 6.00 6.10 6.20 for for Cinema 4D 2023 S26 R25 S24 R23 S22 R21 破解版下载|附安装教程