宇恒 发表于 2022-5-11 14:47:57

Rhino 7.18 SR18 简体中文破解版下载|附视频安装教程-2022年5月版

Rhino 7 Service Release 18 for Windows 和 Mac (7.18.22124) 现已发布了,此版本与上个版本相比,修复了大量的Bug,并用增强了一些功能,建议大家请及时更新!

一、Bugs 修复 :

Color Picker: Central area intermittently was not what was actually used (RH-67326)
Curvature: Failed to mark max curvature on shallow curves (RH-68172)
Shadow showed through model in Rendered mode (RH-68522)
Empty dots slowed down performance (RH-68135)
File IO: FBX Export failed to set filetype properly unless it was the last argument in the list of options (RH-67758)
Geometry Core: ON_BezierSurface Loft made garbage (RH-67950)
Gumball: Did not work with viewport camera grips (RH-67784)
Help: InfinitePlane topic is tuned up (RH-68378)
NamedView: Selecting a named view and did nothing else caused the document to be modified (RH-67642)
PointDeviation: Hair scale did not change (RH-68001)
Materials panel showed different material count than RenderMaterials table (RH-67902)
RenderContent.FromXml(str, RhinoDoc) incorrect behavior (RH-67920)
Rendering: Safe Frame Action Area lock changed the wrong value (RH-67695)
Rendering: Materials: PBR emission multiplier over 1 displayed black in Rendered mode (RH-67915)
RhinoUpdateObjectGroups did not copy existing group user data (RH-67887)
mesh.Smooth() was mistakenly affected by Smooth command settings (RH-67886)
SDK: RhinoCommon:
Mesh.CreateFromCurveExtrusion flawed (RH-68211)
GetPolyline.SetStartPoint did not work (RH-68082)
SketchOnSrf: Left the base surface highlighted (RH-68007)
SubD: RadiateFind: Only worked on faces near the middle (RH-67849)
Trim: Failed when using Line option with ExtendCuttingLines=Yes (RH-67974 1)
Unlock: SubD edges could not be selected if they were ever locked (RH-68437)
UserText: Value could not be changed on the filtered list (RH-68246)


Unlock: Crashed with SubD objects that have points on and subobjects locked (RH-68408)


SDK: RhinoCommon: ReplayHistoryResult.UpdateToSubD() missing (RH-68005)
Regressions Fixed:

Area: Failed on rectangles (RH-68376)
SquishInfo: Pattern can be recognized but the result was an empty text window (RH-66215)

四、SDK 增强:

SDK: RhinoCommon:
Exposed ON_Brep::GetConnectedComponents (RH-68189)
Added a new Mesh.CreateFromSurfaceControlNet static function which calls ON_ControlPolygonMesh (RH-67893)
RhinoLayout.DisablePanelColorStyling() is made pubic (RH-67885)

五、Rhino 7.18 SR18 视频安装教程

Rhino 7.18 SR18 / 8 WIP 视频安装教程

六、Rhino 7.18 SR18 简体中文破解版下载地址:


**** Hidden Message *****

qq2000ppp 发表于 2022-5-13 21:30:01

百度网盘下载 Rhino 7.18 SR18 简体中文破解版下载|附视频安装教程

Erge- 发表于 2022-5-11 15:16:32


莯歌 发表于 2022-5-11 15:20:49


jie2009 发表于 2022-5-11 15:45:47


飞翔之鱼 发表于 2022-5-11 16:11:23


碧海一舟 发表于 2022-5-11 17:25:34

SDK: RhinoCommon:
Exposed ON_Brep::GetConnectedComponents (RH-68189)
Added a new Mesh.CreateFromSurfaceControlNet static function which calls ON_ControlPolygonMesh (RH-67893)
RhinoLayout.DisablePanelColorStyling() is made pubic (RH-67885)

五、Rhino 7.18 SR18 视频安装教程

六、Rhino 7.18 SR18 简体中文破解版下载地址:

森五 发表于 2022-5-11 17:26:16

djsajkdh jkswadhjk ashdjk haujihf

himycoco 发表于 2022-5-11 18:13:45


RIQUELSONG 发表于 2022-5-11 19:16:57

感谢楼主分享 楼主是大神

zyc2022zyc 发表于 2022-5-11 19:28:25

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查看完整版本: Rhino 7.18 SR18 简体中文破解版下载|附视频安装教程-2022年5月版